Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Au revoir 2014

Looking back, 2014 has been a tough year, like it has been a roller coaster ride of a lifetime. Yet it did have intervals when i get to feel light like being up high chillaxing in a ferris wheel but no matter how hard i try to get rid of the extremities of life's complication, i just can't. Because maybe, some things definitely needs to be faced. But hey, i did manage not to puke over the whirling sensation of that so-called roller coaster ride for the last 12 months..muhaha! So, for the last day of this year, I'm glad that I made it through all the obstacles, the ups and downs that this year has given me. Oh well, i don't really mean to sound so negative about this year. Of course, aside from the bad things, a lot of wonderful surprises had came along the way. Unexpected pack of blessings that had really made me happy. The wonderful hues that i had perceived is probably the best part. It is this year that i learned a lot about life's bittersweet truth. That there are these things that we want but isn't meant for us because we surely deserve more better than what we're yearning for. Things like that..and more. My patience has also been put into a test of how long could i wait for me to finally say "I Made it!" and i just know this will all be worth it when that magical time finally arrives.

By the way, out of the blue, i just made an online diary. TheHueandMeDiary, the other side of my wanderland - a light and carefree diary to make room for my overflowing unaltered thoughts. Yay! So this is it, finally at the end of the year and I still can't find the exact words to say of how truly grateful i am for 2014. I just know it had shaped me to be the better version of me. And i'm quite so sure that my upgraded version is the perfect armor i needed to keep up in this coming 2015.

Hey, remember to leave the bad memories behind, only keep the good ones close to your heart. A hopeful 2015 stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written...

Ready, set..make it happen

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