Saturday, February 28, 2015


Hi all! Summer is just a month away. How exciting! I would love to return to the beach again, watch every sunset and sunrise, stay all day staring at the perfect blue sky, imagining life on the other side and dealing with the what if thoughts in my mind.

February for me is quite a busy month. In fact, the cost of extending a vacation-leave ends me up in a total bustling weeks. Making my way through lots of unread emails, pending projects and deadline rush, well, in spite of it, i still have the nerve to procrastinate in between. Maybe, i just need another break to break me from whatever broke me. Pathetic excuse..ikr! It's just damn hard to focus on work when it feels like straddling between the distance of reality and what might-have-beens.

For the past weeks, I've been around bookstores to find anything, maybe you? well, i did bought a few books and an iTunes card (for the ebooks i want to have but they aren't free..too bad!). E-books are more convenient for me but i do love having some pile of books in my shelf. yay! Just a few days after reading the Shiver Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater, i bumped into another really good book  — Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult, that each page of it keeps me wanting for more, with every chapter my heart throbs as if it is racing for my life. Those lines that are of the same thoughts as mine is extremely fascinating. It's one of that can't-hand-it-down book for me. Though, it has a large amount of research about elephants, well, atleast informative. I guess sometimes, it is fiction that boldly tells us the reality we are in, just that, in a whole different way. Btw, here are some lines i quoted from the book.

"When someone leaves you once, you expect it to happen again. Eventually, you stop getting close enough to people to let them become important to you, because then you don't notice when they drop of your world." - Damn true!
"I'm sick and tired of people in my life abandoning me, and she will be just one more. So I do what is easiest, when I feel like I'm in danger of being left behind, i make sure I'm the one to walk away first."  - I feel the same way as Jenna.
Negative moments get remembered. Traumatic ones get forgotten, or so warped that they are unrecognizable." 
"I'm the princess in an ivory tower, except every brick is made of history, and I built this prison myself."
Could love be not grand gestures or empty vows, not promises meant to be broken, but instead a paper trail of forgiveness? A line of crumbs made of memories, to lead you back to the person who was waiting?"

I falter a moment when those words break in. Actually, it no longer surprise me to see people leave, though it still hurts to know they can't stay. But all ends up, no matter how i try not to, i'll always be the person waiting. Where has my le beau been? You're so damn late, i say. Anyway, I've read a lot of good novels lately and this coming summer i guess would be the best time to review it all. ^_^

End of the Line
So i was talking about my postpaid line that just ended. 

I thought terminating an account would be easy as saying no to a food you don't want to eat in a restaurant or like how easy for some people leave someone for someone else. I should have known. I have this firm decision of discontinuing my account - i almost failed. The agent i'm talking with gave me all the fair choices I could get like request for credit increase, a flexi plan and so on. I almost did fall for it but sternly glad i remembered my reasons why i needed to cut it off. What are those? Well not much a biggie — signal issues and i'm not really using it anymore. What's funny is, the agent even asked what number I'm gonna use as if he was so concerned that I might not be reachable or it could be just a bland survey. I just told him, I've got a prepaid number (which I don't use as well). He also asked me if i know someone who would like to continue my postpaid line and still never ending options just not to cut my account with them. I'm a bit annoyed already coz it had been taking too much time and just going in circles. The conversation goes like the person trying, almost begging to save their relationship but the other one strongly refused. Okay i know that was an emotional example..muhaha! So, after almost an hour of trying to convince me to stay, they finally approved the termination of my account. Yey! Wait, do i have to mention that the termination rules was repeated to me five times? Maybe expecting that i would change my mind for the last minute. Ugh.

February has also been a month of celebration. Forget Valentines day.  These are the party props i made for my aunt and sis' birthday. I just love making these kind of personalized stuffs. yay!

So here's my bebe tangy who looked kind of dramatic lately. He hangs out a lot in my room, being so sweet. A spoiled, homebody kitty whom i really love. He sure is lucky.,and too handsome for a cat.

I've been seeing a lot of cheesy couple shirts around places but this one caught my attention. So i took pictures on both sides even when i guess i looked weird to the tinderas around, i didn't mind anyway. mehehe!

So ever wished that for every "I'm waiting for you"  there's "I'll be there" in it for real?

Till next! :)

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